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HCAS Cultural Fest Hindotsav 2020

Time: 2020-03-12 16:05:48
HCAS, Chennai
HCAS Cultural Fest Hindotsav 2020

HCAS Cultural Fest Hindotsav 2020

HCAS Cultural Fest Hindotsav 2020 starts off grandly

Padur 20/2/2020

It started with prayer and glimpses of past Hindotsav was shown and audio visual of Ms Anukeerthy Vas was played. The Convener of Hindotsav 2020 Dr. Angeline Christobel welcomed the gathering on the silver jubilee year of HCAS. Dr. Christobel welcomed the Director HCAS Dr. Susan Marthandan and said the Femina Miss India 2018 Anukeerthy Vas was consented to be the chief guest of Hindotsav 2020 introducing her to audience who is undergoing BA from Loyola College Chennai.

Dr. Susan Marthandan Director HCAS delivered Presidential address and happy to be here on the occasion and called the Chief Guest as Lions girl (singapenne in Tamil) and said HCAS is celebrating 25th year. Yesterday marked the Thanks Giving day and graduation day is coming in couple of weeks time. She said importance of cultural extravaganza as this one and its importance in overall growth of personality of a person. She congratulated student council members and staff for organizing an event as this one and said it helps in inculcating leadership skills.

The Chief Guest Ms. Anukeerthy Vas spoke next in her address said she came to HCAS three years ago and happy to be back here. She wanted admission at that time and academics is not all that important and cultural as this one is also and happy to be here as Chief Guest and spoke of its importance in overall education scenario and thanked college for inviting her

Miss Pooja Cultural secretary proposed a vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this occasion a great success.

With the formal inauguration the event has started and it is to go for two days of today and tomorrow, valedictory will be held tomorrow at 3.00 PM and film actress Ms Yashika Anand will be chief guest.

HCAS Hindotsav2020 concludes smoothly

Padur 21/2/2020

HCAS’s Hindotsav2020 concluded today as Ms. Yaashika Anand Zombi famed actress was the chief guest in valedictory function. Dr. Susan Marthandan Director and the Principal Dr. S.Thirumagan Deputy Director – Academics Dr. V.J. Philip participated

It started with audio visual of college followed by audio visual of Hindotsav programs of previous years. An audio visual also featured Ms. Yaashika Anand and her films

SDNB Vaishnav college came runner up in overall championship trophy and MOP Vaishanava college came Ist and captured trophy.

51 colleges participated and 600 outside college students came during ist day and 750 came during second Day according to Dr. Susan Marthandan the Director She thanked all in her speech for making this a great success

Ms. Yaashika Anand in her Chief Guest address said she was tired at first become coming to campus after a busy schedule of shooting and became cheerful after seeing warm welcome she received. She exhorted students to study hard as she feels it is relevant now and shine in career thanked all for warm welcome she received

Dr. S. Thirumagan the Principal spoke expressed appreciation for all those who participated and made this program a successful one.

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